Monday, May 25, 2015

Right on Target

My experience as a pacer at the Madison Half Marathon was really incredible.

The heavy rain held off and the sun stayed tucked behind the clouds.  Running in a humid swamp on that hilly course was not on my to-do list!

We had quite a few people that stayed with us the entire time but kind of remained in their own space.  I think in future pacing efforts I would make more of an effort to introduce myself to the people that line up with us versus letting them introduce themselves.  Some may not want to make that effort or feel it is some kind of commitment, but I think I should have been the first to open that line of communication.  Lesson learned for the future.

We had one young lady who ran with us the entire way and set a new personal best by a good chunk of time.  It was very exciting to be a part of that.  She really did all the hard work, we just added a few boosts in confidence.  Never once did I doubt she could physically make the time, but by now I know all too well that the body only goes where the mind wants or lets it to go.  And sometimes the brain needs a bit of convincing that things are possible.  Confidence is a hard thing to muster when you are approaching the 2/3 mark of any race...where it gets tougher to keep the pace, the mind starts to waver and doubt begins to creep in.  The smile she gave us after we crossed the finish line was worth more than nearly every medal I have ever gotten in a race.  That is a feeling I could seriously get addicted to!  Maybe I can trade that for a different, bad habit?

And we were right on target to where we wanted to be.  We aimed for 2:19:59 and came in at 2:17:58 (my chip time).  So we had a little bit to spare, but as first time pacers, I think we done good.  We did a pretty good job of keeping each other in check and it was only because we didn't lose as much time in the water stops and then on that last stinking hill that we came in early.  I'm proud of us!  And I'm excited to do it again.  And really happy to have gotten the opportunity to do this through my friend David at the Berkeley Running Company.  Count me in for next year!!

This morning I went for a 6 mile run after a couple of hours of work.  My legs were a little tight and my left hamstring was a bit crabby (it WAS a hilly course) but it all worked out within a mile or so.  I feel ready for the Grizzly Double coming up in less than TWO WEEKS!!  But I'm glad I'm not leading a pace group for any of those races!

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