Saturday, April 25, 2015

Westward HO!!

Welcome to "I Don't Even Know what I'm Hoping to Find".  If you know where that title comes from then you might be in a Master's Running Age Group!  Maybe not my age group exactly, but probably close.  If you aren't (in a Master's Age Group), I won't hold it against you.

This Blog was supposed to chronicle the training and travels of 4 of us...myself (Crystal), Liz, Suzette and we trained to tackle the Grizzly Double.  Sounds horrid doesn't it?  No?  Well, I didn't think it sounded so bad either, so I signed up and then hooked Liz in who rounded up Suzette and then Mary jumped on board.  Seems none of us knows what we are hoping to find (although an actual Grizzly is not, for sure, something I want to find too up close and personal).

The Grizzly Double is actually two 1/2 marathons a week apart.  The first takes place just outside of Grand Tetons National Park.  The second takes place one week later just outside of Yellowstone National Park (here's hoping we aren't literally hot-footing it down the road).  Did I mention elevation?  I was in Yellowstone once a few years ago and I am pretty sure on a lung busting 3 mile run I sucked in the last Oxygen molecules available until the next millenium.  Did I mention hills?  I probably should since Liz reminds me of them constantly.  Okay, okay...hills...big hills...long, never-ending hills followed by more hills.

Check it out:

So that is where we are going.  And that is what we are doing.  With some driving (ok, a lot of driving) and camping and hiking and swimming and kayaking and hot-tubbing and well, you get the picture.  The trip is for the experience...who knows what we'll find.

So once you decide to do something like this the first thing you want to do is share it with the world (motivation 101...tell EVERYONE what you are doing so you will be accountable).  The second thing?  Get some awesome gear to train in.  Fortunately my very good friend (and runner extraodinaire) David from Berkeley Running Company helped us out.  We will be styling as we are "sprinting" up those hills (or gasping for breath on the side of the road...looking for some oxygen molecules and/or flat ground and maybe the lung we coughed up).  And do remember that "sprinting" is a relative speed defined only by the runner involved.  If you are looking for elite running chronicles, you'd best move on.

Ironically, I'm running behind on a lot of things (get it??).  Or this would have come to you sooner.  But I'm hoping to catch up and then continue on past the actual race.  Anyone who knows me knows that there is always another race on the horizon. Next post, I'll introduce myself and then work my way through the group.

And yes...this is what we'll be looking at (when we aren't lying on the ground gasping for breath :)

Now don't you wish you were coming along?